Popov/Reznik deliver sensation against Bello brothers

05.08.2023 - Vienna

Even a short interruption caused by a thunderstorm could not stop the Ukrainian duo on their successful run into the semifinals.

After an even start, Eduard Reznik puts his stamp on the match and together with his partner Sergiy Popov takes a 9:5 lead. Also due to numerous mistakes by the Bello brothers from England, the team from Ukraine is able to win the set clearly with 21:9.

The start of the second set is a mirror image of the first. A firework of points from Reznik gave the Ukrainians a 4:1 lead, but a few of their own errors allow the British to equalize. In the further course of the match, both teams manage to pull away for a short time, but are not able to hold the lead for a long time. From the middle of the set, both teams stabilize their performance and offer the celebrating fans in the stands of the Red Bull Beach Arena an exciting match. Only at the score of 22:20 the advancement of the Ukrainians to the semifinals is certain.