Seidl/Pristauz eliminated after arduous match against Bello brothers

04.08.2023 - Vienna

After a hard-fought match over 3 long sets, the penultimate home duo also has to withdraw from the tournament.

The enthusiastic fans are offered an exciting match already in the first set, in which neither of the two teams can decisively break away. At 20:19, Moritz Pristauz is able to fend off the first match point for Bello/Bello with a service ace. But the British team can keep up the pressure and convert the fourth set point with a block by Joaquin Bello to 24:22. 

In the tight second set, the referees' decisions are the main focus of the action. The two teams make use of their video challenge option no less than five times. With 2 points in a row, Robin Seidl and Moritz Pristauz have the better end for themselves this time and win the set 24:22.

Set number 3 develops into a duel between Robin Seidl and Joaquin Bello. Both impressed with individual class and dominated the match in the decisive phase. After a strong final phase, Luis and Joaquin Bello take the deciding set and advance to the Round of 16 of the A1 CEV EuroBeachVolley Vienna 2023.